Preshit Creations presents “Preshit Beauty App” a Mobile app for beautician's to manage their 'Beauty Parlour' effeciently with clients enhancement by raise in inlet surely and graceful which is proposed by the sole proprietor Mr. Vinayak Prakash Dalavi, who brings with him nearly ten successful years of entrepreneurship. In this journey he has built a gigantic empire with supplying beauty products viz. Cosmetic’s, artificial jewellery and customized ornaments. Involving in beauty products consultancy and Binding venture. Also, Mr. Vinayak Prakash Dalavi has been appreciated for his various achievements.
He is responsible for marketing and commercialization of the artificial jewellery and customized ornaments. Now with new project of Preshit Beauty App he is trying to edify beauticians over Pan India. This is the first attempt to edify Beauticians to manage their business certainly.
He has been at the pinnacle and always strived to create a team of experts and a business that would have roots in knowledge and highest degree of professionalism. He incorporated the Preshit family owned business. He is a youth generation entrepreneur, ambitious by nature gradually developed significant competencies in the Beauty material. He is always looking for adding maximum values to his clients.
For the last few years he considered himself to be a “Business typhoon". He love capturing real moments and staying out of the way while He works. The only issue He had with this title is that every beautician at a beauty Parlour could be considered a generation changer. We are all taking service from beauty Parlour and telling a story with our makeover not only from outside but also from internal ambiance eventually. He wanted a title that reflected not only his elegance, but my technique and quality thus come back with the amazing product “Preshit Beauty App” a mobile app which helps a beautician to manage their Parlour effectively and proficiently.